Saturday, September 19, 2009

So Kill Me!

During this brief hiatus, I have faithfully done my yoga, walking AND searching. I've discovered a lot about, well, moi! Okay, so "S" totally ticked me off and was advised that the "friendship" wouldn't continue from my end...instead of jumping at the chance to beg for my forgivness, he allows not 1, not 2 but 4 days to go by without communicating with me. Of course during this time not only was the number deleted from my phone, BUT also removed from my Sim card, so you know I was serious, right? Anyway, I get the text asking if I'm no longer communicating and of course, yours truly is cool as a feels regarding our friendship have officially changed from 'OMG, this is great' to 'Yea, whatever'...and the person I feel is my forever forever, is trying to get back in good graces with me....hence the beautiful Italian photo. I hope you can now see why it's been a few days, okay weeks, since I've blogged...don't judge me!

Love and Light,

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I know it's been since like, the 3rd since we've communicated, but hey, I just haven't been in the mood to write out all these emotions! It's been almost 4 full days since "S" and I have spoken, which is fine...technically, but something in me is really tripping over the fact that he has yet to make an effort to reach out to me. I am like, 'How can you NOT want to talk to me?' I know that sounds incredibly vain, but I honestly don't mean it in that way. I am just over here like 'are you really that rude and inconsiderate?' Oh well, I know I shouldn't deal with him anyway...and why did I get a blast from the past the other evening from someone that I SO don't even want to even look at? Oh, well, at least this picture of sexy Sydney beach is beautiful!

Love and Light,


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Well, the last time you heard from me was on Sunday. I've perfected my body during this time period by the Indian dancing I prev told you about, as well as my daily walking and yoga. I was so peeved with "S" last night and expressed as much...letting him know that I feel like EVERYTHING is always on his terms, ect. He didn't appreciate me telling him that I feel like he's being selfish and the 'base' in my voice when expressing it. I called him this morning and we spoke for exactly 43.8 minutes, discussing last night's conversation and what we're going to do or NOT do for that matter going forward. I think I was cool with saying whatever and calling it a day, but then I saw him in the elevator and man, oh man, did my feelings of desire just boil over for him! What to do, what to do?

Love and Light,